About the project
Social Hackademy (#hackad) is a 24-month Erasmus+ KA3 project that aims to improve the digital skills and competencies of young people with fewer opportunities through collaborative educational activities based on the Social Hackademy methodology of co-creation.
The goal of the project is to empower young people (from 16 to 29 years old) with fewer opportunities by helping them to adopt and develop digital skills in order to be able to create digital solutions for social challenges and to improve the capacities of trainers in providing education in the field of digital skills to young people at risk of social and digital shutdown. The aforementioned will be achieved by founding Social Hackademy Labs and organizing Social Hackathons in four European countries: France, Greece, Croatia and Italy.
The project is focused on digital co-creation, technology and education for the empowerment and social mobility of young people with fewer opportunities, through the improvement of the Social Hackathon Umbria (Social Hackathon Umbria – SHU), a good practice implemented at the local level by the project partner EGInA.
The partners will implement the #hackAD project in five European countries (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and Croatia) and achieve the following results:
– a Social Hackademy methodology aimed at teachers and youth workers will be created,
– a Trainer’s Manual for the implementation of the Social Hackademy methodology will be created,
– education will be held on the creation of native mobile applications, web design and visual and graphic design,
– the Social Hackademy online platform will be created with at least 10 different services or tools
– at least 16 trainers (4 per piloting country) working in the field of digital skills with young people will be educated on the Social Hackademy methodology, which provides an innovative, collaborative and project-based approach to digital training for social impact
– at least 120 young people (30 per piloting country) with fewer opportunities will be educated through a 100-hour modular combined course in the field of creative digital content creation
– A social hackathon with young people and multidisciplinary teams will be organized in 4 partner countries using the co-creation methodology
– during the Hackathon, the teams will develop at least 16 digital solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals
The Social Hackademy project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program.