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Generation 0101

About the project

Generation 0101 is a strategic partnership between seven European organizations – Centre of Technical Culture Rijeka (Croatia), Centro Studi Città di Foligno (Italy), Langas į ateitį (Lithuania), Cyprus Community Media Center (Cyprus), Telecentar (Croatia), The Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association – LIKTA (Latvia), Izmir University (Turkey) – formed with the aim of using information and communication technologies to solve a pressing social problem – youth unemployment.

The project will last two years. Partners will conduct research on the implementation of the Digital Agenda in the countries they come from, with a special emphasis on youth unemployment. The research will include young people, employers and decision makers. Results of the research will serve the partners to write guidelines for decision-makers at the national and European level, and encourage changes in solving youth unemployment.

But that’s not all! Organizations that are involved in the strategic partnership have a long experience of raising digital literacy of citizens in their community. They will jointly design seven educational modules (one each) that they consider necessary in the modern labour market. These modules are:

  • e-journalism,
  • mobile application development,
  • web design,
  • community radio,
  • online collaboration,
  • easy coding,
  • video.

Each partner will develop one module, and then they will train trainers from partner organizations so that they can transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to others. In this way, each partner organization will have trainers for education in the aforementioned seven areas.

The last phase of the project is the implementation of free education for young unemployed people. Five people will pass each educational module per organization, which means 245 educated young Europeans.

Additionally, during the duration of the project, partners will be involved in campaigns that encourage digital literacy and popularise employment in digital industries, such as Get Online Week and eSkills for Jobs.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program in the amount of €275,295.00.




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