About the project
Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our environment, our social environment and our economy, and the effects of climate change are already visible and are expected to become even more dangerous. The DIGI4CLIMA project will establish international cooperation to contribute to raising awareness of two global issues – the fight against climate change and digital transformation. As society progresses, it is necessary to look at the process of environmental degradation, therefore the idea of our project is to help solve environmental problems by educating teachers and students using the latest technologies.
The goal of the DIGI4CLIMA project is to develop and promote a digital learning tool about climate change that will provide knowledge, raise awareness of environmental sustainability and promote digital literacy. The tool will support teachers in educating elementary school students about the dangerous effects of climate change on Earth, developing a caring relationship with nature, making them aware of the consequences of their daily actions, encouraging them to live a more environmentally friendly life. The result of the project will provide teachers and students with access to a high-quality and simple digital resource for learning about environmental sustainability, as well as support for educators in the use of information and communication technologies in face-to-face and distance learning.
During the project, training will be organized for a group of teacher-researchers to provide the necessary support for the development of project results. The project team will learn from good practices in the project countries, improve their knowledge of environmental sustainability issues and develop their skills in using IT tools. The training will be held in three sessions in Latvia, Croatia and Lithuania. During the project, three important project results will be created: 1) Curriculum “Climate and its change”; 2) Guidelines for teachers; 3) Digital learning tool “Climate and its changes”. The materials will be published on an open access platform in Latvian, Lithuanian, Croatian and English. Teaching materials will be tested and a network of students and teachers will be established in the piloting process, with the aim of exchanging experiences on the use of digital tools for learning and learning about climate and its changes. Events will also be organized to disseminate the results of the project – workshops for teachers in Latvia, Lithuania and Croatia to get acquainted with the digital learning tool and its most successful use both in distance learning and in the direct teaching process.
The project is carried out by the Zemgales region competence attistibas centrs from Latvia, Centre of Technical Culture Rijeka from Croatia and the Siauliai Ragaine progymnasium from Lithuania.